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Learn Google’s YMYL Guidelines

By AnnMarie Minichiello
December 17, 2015

The YMYL concept can be categorized into five main areas.

Shopping and financial Websites
Any website where a customer can make a purchase, transfer funds, pay a bill or make any sort of financial transaction will fall under this category. Examples of websites held to this standard include e-commerce stores and online banking systems. These are at the top of the list because it involves credit cards and personal information that if put into the wrong hands, it would definitely affect a users money.
Financial Information Websites
This category includes websites that provide investment or tax information, financial advice regarding purchasing a home, college, insurance or even write about retirement planning. All of these websites are held to a higher standard because of the potential damage that could be done if a user was given the wrong information. If you’re providing any of this information you’ll want to make sure your following Google’s E-A-T guidelines.
Medical Information Websites
The medical information pages include any website discussing or offering advice about nutrition, drugs, diseases and mental health. Let’s face it, at one point or another, we’ve all scared ourselves by reading Web Md’s symptoms pages. This is exactly why Google will check websites offering this information with a fine comb. Providing false medical information is extremely dangerous and if read by the wrong person, it could be potentially life threatening.
Legal Information Websites
Legal information pages will be websites related to divorce, child custody, will/estate planning, marriage, landlords and more. For all of these topics you can find pages and pages worth of information, advice and actual services. However if these companies are not truly experts or have to many bad reviews Google will find out. By removing all the clutter it will help Google provide the most accurate search engine results which reinforce their ultimate goal.
Google suggests for this section, you use your best judgement. It’s a pretty simple concept to grasp, if your website could potentially harm a persons happiness or wallet, 100% accuracy is mandatory. Choosing to always do your research and only provide thorough information, is just the start. Your life your happiness pages must follow all guidelines in order to be able to rank well in Google.

We have experience designing and developing websites in all five categories listed in Google’s guidelines. If you’re looking to build a new website or take advantage of search engine optimization, contact Logic Web Media today.

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