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3 Web Design Trends Your Website Should Follow

By AnnMarie Minichiello
December 14, 2015

Although new web design trends are constantly emerging, not all trends are appropriate for all websites. Logic Web Media, Long Island’s web design experts have found through our experience, websites should always be developed with your target audience in mind. Although the new hamburger menu looks awesome, if your audience only knows about the hamburgers you eat, they’ll have trouble knowing where to click.


Today we’ll discuss the 3 web design trends all websites should follow. The majority of web design features are simply an option, which can add cool features to your website. However we’ve found the following trends are important to all online users and target markets.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive design, also known as mobile responsive is creating a website that’s functional across all platforms (smartphone, iPad, tablet). Many are saying “go responsive or go home,” because of the drastic amounts of decreased traffic and Google penalties (mobilegeddon) associated with unresponsive websites.
According to the Mobile Marketing Association of Asia, “more people have smart phones than tooth brushes in the entire world.” Although this fact may be quite disturbing, it’s proof of how important it is that your website should work on your phone.

Flat Web Design

Flat or semi-flat web design is any website free of three dimensional views such as shadows. Over the past few years flat design has taken over the internet. Why? Flat design leads to enhanced user experience and adds to the minimalistic trend we’ll talk about next. Flat design also contributes to faster load times, because it eliminates large excessive images.

Minimalistic Web Design

Although whether or not all web designs should follow the minimalistic trend is up for debate, let me explain why it’s important. Minimalistic web design is about applying the less is more rule, to your website. It starts with stripping your website of all the extra and just keeping the bare essentials. By doing so, you’ll find a better experience for the user because of less clutter and easy to understand layouts. Today’s internet users have short attention spans causing you to have to get their attention within seconds or they’re gone.
Although there’s many great web designs it’s not always about having the most innovative visually appealing website. The main takeaway here, is understanding all websites are competing to hold the users ever decreasing attention span. By making sure your website works on the phone, loads faster than the speed of light and is easy for your user to comprehend, you’re on the right track.

If you’re looking for Long Island web design, or need a website that works on your phone, contact Logic Web Media today. We have over a decade experience building really nice websites.